Bewogen is a literature festival in different spaces in Brussels. Spaces that open up to the possibility of recognizing the beauty of words, celebrating languages and messages through theatre, music, film, literature, exhibitions and conversations. Bewogen offers the opportunity to delve into each other through aloud readings of short stories, poems, sayings and lectures, to be moved by the performances that make people’s trajectories palpable on the flight of departure, the journey and their arrival. The ears open to take inspiration from the music, food, cinema, art that come together from all corners of the world, to live together and experience together the beauty of languages and their messages. The activity is free and literature is expected to be extended to an inclusive society.

Latin American women writers will be present with storytelling readings for children, stories and storytelling of collective experiences.

Programming for children: Karambola – raising abroad, Ana Quijano

Read aloud: Virginia Hernández Becerra, Meki Hauviller, Ana Valenzuela.

Translation of Texts: Adriana Luna and Brenda Fmdo.



Kuumba – Vlaams Afrikaans Huis

Waverse Steenweg 78

1050 Brussel (Matongé)

ACCESS HOURS: 14:00-21:00

Work shops for children from 14:30-17:30

Auberge espagnol from 17:30-19:00

Open Micro from 19:15-21 hrs.

Organized activity Always Vzw Ngo and FMDO Bussels within the framework of Bewogen Festival

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