Siempre lanza su manifiesto entre intelectuales y activistas en Bélgica.

* Yanet Medina The nonprofit organization Siempre launched its manifesto this Tuesday, November 13th, in the headquarters of the European Network Against Racism(ENAR), in Brussels, with the participation of prominent figures of the Belgian academic and socio-political landscape. Siempre is devoted to creating connections among Latin American and Caribbean women settled in Europe. It pleads for building […]

Discurso expresado en la presentación del Manifiesto

Migration and Networking In the analysis of cases of migrant women from Latin America, the main causes are grouped by: family reunification, by economy, by study. 14% of immigrants to the European Union (Eurostat2014) come from North and South America, making us a smaller population compared to Africa and Euroasia.. This “invisible minority” is underrepresented, […]


Latina´s Women in Belgium launch manifesto calling for an inclusive social participation.  By Yanet Medina Navarro* (Brussels, 12 November 2018) The nonprofit organization Siemprewill be launching its manifesto this Tuesday, November 13th, in the Brussels headquarters of the European Network Against Racism(ENAR) as a call for the empowerment and inclusive participation of the female Latina´s […]


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