Adriana Luna

Periodista, activista y escritora. Hice estudios de Sociología y Licenciatura de Literatura den la Universidad del Valle en Colombia. He trabajado en asistencia en investigación social con la población vulnerable en Cali, Colombia, mi ciudad natal
Ana Quijano Pineda

Dragoncete and fire by Ana Quijano Pineda. -1- Dragoncete and fire Far away, far away, where the sun rises when it’s dark here, Dragoncete lives. A little dragon of age to learn the skills of his species. He’s very worried that all his little friends already know how to put fire in his mouth and […]
Mercedes Hauviller

The Witch By Meki Hauviller The witch was dying to eat our livers. That’s what he used to tell us every time we went on a bicycle, on the side of his house. ‘I’m going to eat their livers!’ he shouted. It was a spectacle to see her run trying to reach us, the long […]
María Clara Mejía Villate

CAMILA AND THE SQUIRRELS It barely dawns. Camila is already in the kitchen tucked upside down in one of the shelves, looking for the wicker basket for the picnic with her friends in the woods. “I finally find you! “He tells the basket by putting it in the meson, then he looks for the nuts […]
Speech expressed in the presentation of the Manifesto

Migration and Networking In the analysis of cases of migrant women from Latin America, the main causes are grouped by: family reunification, by economy, by study. 14% of immigrants to the European Union (Eurostat2014) come from North and South America, making us a smaller population compared to Africa and Euroasia.. This “invisible minority” is underrepresented, […]
2do. Debate – conversatorio a Propósito de Mujeres Migrantes en constante movimiento
2do. Debate – conversatorio a Propósito de Mujeres Migrantes en constante movimiento. ¿Cómo garantizas la participación para que tu organización sea eficiente y activa? Cuál fue la postura de Afroféminas respecto al 8 de Marzo, cuáles han sido las reacciones, cómo evalua hasta hoy la iniciativa de emprender un movimiento con respecto a su identidad […]
Debate: mujeres migrantes y feminicidios en Bélgica

Questions debat- Preguntas debate (Ana Valenzuela, 11.02.2018) C’est quoi la violence machiste ?Pourqoui le terme violence conjogale? Qué es la violencia machista que no la violencia conyugal o doméstica ? C’est quoi la convention d’Istambul et comment nous impacte aux femmes migrantes en BELGIQUE et en Europe. Qué es la convencion de estambul y como impacta sobre […]