Laura Vargas

DE VUELTA. Te espero de vuelta para jugar LAURA VARGAS ISBN 978-958-8727-74-5 83300253 91178 9588172774 5 NL TERUGKEER Toen ik een klein meisje was, speelde ik graagOp een dag, werd ik volwassen en ging ik ver van huis te studeren.Op die plaats, was het erg koud en alles was anders.Ik voelde me heel eenzaam.Totdat op […]
Caleidoscoop Lezingavond in Grafik – Interlitratour

Recital of Latin American women Utopia library

Lezing Latijns-Amerikaanse vrouwen Utopia PROGRAMMA/PROGRAMA 14u00 Palabras de bienvenida 14u10 Palabras presentación SIEMPRE vzw 14u20 Lectura de textos I 1-Claudia velez 2-Linda Janes Moya 3-Maria Clara 4-Martha Ortiz (video) 5-Carolina Ruales (video) 6-Melier Sofía Cortés 15u00 Intervención músical 15u20 Lectura textos II 7-Mariana Lara 8-Marina Granados 9-Matilde Cuevas 10-Alejandra Lerma (video) 11-Diana Lobo (video) 12-Rosa […]
Home Concierto – Familia Capilla

?? TheCapilla-García Family of Musicians (Mexico) invite to their autumn concert this Friday, September 20 in Brussels, they will present a repertoire of: Kreisler, Massenet,Vivaldi, Shostakovitch,Bach, Ysaye,Paganini, Flolov,Tangos: C.Gardel,C. Segal, A.Piazzolla.. ??????? do you know them? !! then this is the opportunity!! Come and get to know the talent and share this musical occasion to […]

A las mujeres de América Latina: Marea verde, Zapatistas, Las patronas, a todas. Calaverita Feminista La huesuda en el 2018 se convierte en feminista el diablo ya está temblando como va a hacerle ¿con tanta gente sexista ? El código de etiqueta Lo impone la huesuda, Le avisa al del averno Que mas le vale […]

Adriana Luna

Periodista, activista y escritora. Hice estudios de Sociología y Licenciatura de Literatura den la Universidad del Valle en Colombia. He trabajado en asistencia en investigación social con la población vulnerable en Cali, Colombia, mi ciudad natal
Ana Quijano Pineda

Dragoncete and fire by Ana Quijano Pineda. -1- Dragoncete and fire Far away, far away, where the sun rises when it’s dark here, Dragoncete lives. A little dragon of age to learn the skills of his species. He’s very worried that all his little friends already know how to put fire in his mouth and […]
Mercedes Hauviller

The Witch By Meki Hauviller The witch was dying to eat our livers. That’s what he used to tell us every time we went on a bicycle, on the side of his house. ‘I’m going to eat their livers!’ he shouted. It was a spectacle to see her run trying to reach us, the long […]
María Clara Mejía Villate

CAMILA AND THE SQUIRRELS It barely dawns. Camila is already in the kitchen tucked upside down in one of the shelves, looking for the wicker basket for the picnic with her friends in the woods. “I finally find you! “He tells the basket by putting it in the meson, then he looks for the nuts […]