
Dear Candidates: Women migrants from Latin diasporas who currently reside in Belgium, by family reunification, because they are descendants of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation, for exercising a fixed job, temporary employment, studying or as a refugee. a, we want to make the following request spread. Since we are confident of being spokespersons and […]

Making Latin Women Visible News Español French Nederlands English Manifiesto SIEMPRE Ana Valenzuela-Zapata y Thamara Cruz Con la participación de Gabriela Sepúlveda y la revisión de estilo de Yanet Medina En SIEMPRE trabajamos en red para hacernos visibles, a través de nuestra voz como migrantes y portadoras de una diversidad bio estética y cultural. Reconocemos […]

FEMINICIDES OF LATIN AMERICAN MIGRANT WOMEN IN EUROPE: Cases OF BERENICE OSORIO AND JESSICA ASTORGA in 2018. by Gabriela Sepúlveda * Berenice Osorio and Jessica Astorga are part of the common fabric and mythology of the migrant woman. Despite contributing to 48.4% of total migration in 2017 [1], the figure and stories of migrant women […]
Una historia de Areola – Artista y Especialista Hernán Sutty

A history of Areola Artist and Specialist Hernán Sutty Belgium, Brussels From covering mastectomy scars to reconstructing realistic nipples and areolas, Hernán Sutty says that the career of a tattoo artist involves more than drawing dragons and flowers. It was the visit of a woman to his studio in Patagonia Argentina who had undergone a […]
Soy porque Somos – Entrevista a Mónica Weissel

Por Yanet Medina*La espero en un cafetín de Bruselas. El solecito torpe de la primavera belga lo baña todo. Aguardo…y voy dibujando una rayuela imaginaria donde, a saltos, encuentro sus huellas en el largo camino hacia la igualdad de género. ¿Cómo le hablo a una mujer que ha traído la luz a tantas? Mónica Weissel […]
Laura Vargas

DE VUELTA. Te espero de vuelta para jugar LAURA VARGAS ISBN 978-958-8727-74-5 83300253 91178 9588172774 5 NL TERUGKEER Toen ik een klein meisje was, speelde ik graagOp een dag, werd ik volwassen en ging ik ver van huis te studeren.Op die plaats, was het erg koud en alles was anders.Ik voelde me heel eenzaam.Totdat op […]
VII Congreso Internacional sobre Migración y Salud Mental

Representations and Migration path of Latin American women in Belgium.By: Ana Valenzuela-Zapata and Thamara CruzSIEMPRE. SIEMPRE is an NGO formed in Belgium (Flemish Region) since May 11th., 2017, founded by two Mexican residents’ women: Thamara Cruz and Ana Valenzuela. The aim of our organization is to make visibility Latinas women from the minorities. This research […]
Transnacionalismo político desde Bélgica: movimientos sociales organizados por activistas mexicanas.

Larisa Viridiana Lara-GuerreroInstitute Convergences Migrations University of Liege. Article published by MOVIMIENTOS. Mexican Journal of Studies of Social Movements,Vol. 3, No. 1, January-June 2019 Abstract This essay aims at deepening the study of political transnationalism. In particular, this article analyses the implications and role of women in the formation, structure and dissemination of extraterritorial […]

A las mujeres de América Latina: Marea verde, Zapatistas, Las patronas, a todas. Calaverita Feminista La huesuda en el 2018 se convierte en feminista el diablo ya está temblando como va a hacerle ¿con tanta gente sexista ? El código de etiqueta Lo impone la huesuda, Le avisa al del averno Que mas le vale […]
8M2019, El Comunicado Incómodo, llamado a la conciencia

OUR Movement Gathered under the same paths, we are living among obstacles and in a constant search for solutions, a struggle becomes many and they have united us to build a future, not to be lost, for which we want and for a dignified daily life. Conscience and questioning have united us in sharing and […]