We carry out previously planned projects as part of the organization’s activities, such as: socio-educational workshops, debates and focus groups on gender violence.

Latin American women are on the move, as a macro-diaspora with a cultural heritage of resistance. A macrodiaspora with a cultural heritage rooted in resistance and the defense of life, dignity and justice.


We seek to improve the dignity and living conditions of Latin American women in Europe by promoting their emancipation, fostering mutual support with other Latin American diasporas and advocating for inclusion in various public spheres.

Our goal is to build alliances and strengthen solidarity with women from diverse backgrounds in order to share knowledge and enhance their participation.


We promote the inclusion of Latin American women and girls by encouraging them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for their adaptation and integration, while strengthening their own agency.

Our goal is to create and expand spaces for dialogue about the challenges facing our community, collectively seeking solutions and recognizing and giving visibility to Latin American women.

We adopted the term “Latina women” to honor and remember the migrant women who fought to defend the rights of farmworkers in the United States and were identified as such.

As women and immigrants, we share valuable and essential information on topics such as mental and reproductive health, science, agriculture, the environment, history, economics, justice, peace, art and other fields. By working from a gender perspective, we contribute not only to the well-being of Latina women but also to the societies in which we live.


We conducted an initial exploratory study on the challenges and difficulties faced by Latin American women in Belgium, including issues related to language, health, inclusion, education, discrimination, and various forms of violence—psychological, economic, and physical. This study allowed us to build bridges between Latin American women and Belgian initiatives, resulting in a comprehensive assessment of the well-being of Latin American women living in Belgium. To support this study, we engaged with Latina women to better understand their integration processes, the challenges they faced, and to identify potential solutions or alternatives.

We organized focus groups and debates with specialists to discuss critical topics such as femicides, the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, CEDAW women’s rights, and the invisibility and vulnerability of migrant women. Women’s testimonies were central to our research, gathered through numerous interviews with Latin American migrant women.

As a community-driven organization, we assisted migrant women in understanding Belgian institutions and social services, particularly those focused on migrants, refugees, women, and combating discrimination. Through our permanent and personalized communication services, we provided support and accompaniment to women across various regions of Belgium.

Building on our presence in Brussels, we strengthened and expanded our networks. We joined the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and the Federatie van Sociaal-Culturele Verenigingen van Mensen met een Migratieachtergrond (FMDO), where we actively participate as board members. Additionally, we became part of the World Solidarity Forum (WSF).

We participated in several conferences and presented papers, including:

  • The Congress on Migration and Mental Health in Brussels.
  • The Colloquium on Local Communities and Indigenous Research at the ULB.
  • Hands on Sexual Harassment: Has #MeToo Redefined the Status Quo? at the European Commission.


  • Promotion of Latin American Women Writers: Presentation and dissemination of recent works to showcase Latin American women writers across various regions of Belgium.
  • Political Participation: Introduction of Latin American women candidates for federal elections and political deputy roles, presenting their plans and agendas across different political parties and regions of Belgium.
  • Testimony of Marcia Scantlebury: Sharing the experience of Marcia Scantlebury, a Chilean journalist, political refugee from the dictatorship period, and survivor of the 1980s.
  • International Collaboration: Partnership with Las Aquelarre Feministas in Mexico. The project, Feminism as a Collective and Social Movement, included an 8-session online course focusing on the feminist experience in Mexico City.
  • Mental Health Research: Presentation of the study Latin American Women and Mental Health in Belgium at the World Solidarity Forum (WSF).
  • Literary Engagement: Presentation of Latin American women writers from Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina at major literary events, including Bewogen (National Literature Day) and Voorlezen Week.


  • Research and Exploration Project: Conducted a project to identify the needs and migration trajectories of Latin American women in Belgium.
  • Focus Groups in Antwerp: Organized meetings and focus groups with migrant women to discuss their migration journeys and experiences with integration in Belgium, with a particular focus on Antwerp.
  • Interviews with Influential Latin American Women in Belgium:
    • Norma Goicochea – Cuban Ambassador
    • Guadalupe Ramos – Feminist Lawyer
    • Silvia Ábalos – Mexican Artist
    • Ligia Uribe – Human Rights Defender (Colombia)
    • Cecilia Torres – Counselor, Ottignies-LLN (Ecuador)
  • Literary Engagement: Presented at the National Literature Week, InterlitraTour, featuring poetry readings by writers from Belgium, Sudan, Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico, and Turkey, accompanied by traditional Peruvian music.
  • International Women’s Day Conference: Hosted a conference with Dr. Guadalupe Ramos Ponce, jurist and expert in law and femicide, as part of International Women’s Day in Brussels.
  • World March Participation: Took part in the World March, providing a platform for testimonies and active participation of victims.

We assume the term “Latina women” to remember and honor those migrant women who fought and defended the rights of farmworkers in the United States who were so named.

As citizens and as migrants, we disseminate valuable and important information on issues of health (general, mental and reproductive), science, agriculture, environment, history, commerce, economics, justice, peace, art and other areas. We offer gender perspectives, thus contributing not only to Latina women but also to the countries in which we live.

Every day we build a stronger and more committed team to give voice to our Latina migrant women, each one of us forming the union and weaving networks that sustain our struggle.


Thamara Cruz
Rosa Dennis
Montserrat Mancilla
Etna Villalba

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