Mrs Hélène Ryckmans Ecological Parliamentarian, Senator and Member of the Walloon Brabant, Joelle Kapompole Member of the PS, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles,

Saskia Bricmont Euro Member of the Environment, Marie Nagy Member of the Brussels Regional Parliament, Esther Ingabire in the absence of the Minister Minister Bénédicte Linard Vice-President of Women’s Rights and Nevruz Unal, Echevine Bruxelles PS.

Cecilia Torres Environmental Advisor Ottignies-LLN, Amancay Dégas Collectif de Femmes LLN, Katinka ‘T Zandt Le Monde According to Women and Thamara Cruz SIEMPRE.

Following our meeting held on May 1st International Labor Day, please find here a summary with the specific themes and essential proposals dealt with in our dialogue. We thank you for your compromise and we are sure to build a path towards equity for women, migrant women and undocumented women living in Belgium. Here are the clear proposals that we ask of you for solidarity.

-We are sensitive to priority attention for the Immediate Humanitarian regularization of the legal status of undocumented migrant women who live in Belgium, (the example of Portugal). -Violence: As long as most of the violence against women and children occurs in private homes, the risk is constant. Women and their children cannot rent or move, urgently it is necessary to provide accommodation after COVID-19, and legally instrumentalize violence as a crime and feminicide. -Facilitate access to emergency food collars especially for undocumented women and families who are waiting to regularize their legal status (political refugees, asylum seekers), have access to dental medical services, and specialized. -Medical centers predict a high of unwanted pregnancies since COVID-19, it is necessary to create advertising campaigns throughout Belgium so that women and girls can know the services and information concerning the termination of pregnancies with or no regularized stay. -The precariousness of women with the crisis has stimulated their problem which becomes more and more unsustainable because they are 24 hours., With their aggressor, undocumented women will have to have access to regularization so as not to allow the dependence of their stay from his attacker. -The organizations that support women need more precise support and be able to offer solutions, after the crisis it is necessary to create a social contract with organizations in the field and in civil society to work together and effectively and coordinated. -The extension of confinement measures increases unemployment, financial insecurity and decreases their resilience in the face of precariousness, insalubrity and the absence of justice, increasing the risk of mental and post-traumatic illnesses derived from violence intra-family, the medical service such as psychologists, ethno-psychologists, psychologist and pedo-psychologists must be considered as part of the mutual health insurance as well as drugs, consultations and treatments which guarantee holistic human security. – It is extremely urgent to facilitate access to services in other languages ​​such as Spanish and Portuguese for the reception of women, to help them file legal complaints and receive the relevant guidelines for medical services, emergency and support in cases of domestic violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking: This service is necessary for women as well as for girls and children who do not speak any official language. – Facilitate the regularization of the stay of Latin American women who already work in the sector of care, cleaning, nursing aid and nurses. Written by Thamara Cruz with the conclusions of the Debate.

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