Hands on Sexual Harassment: Has #MeToo redefined the Status Quo?
The Feminist Subcommittee of the Blue Book Trainee’s Committee of the European Commission, organized the panel debate Hands on Harassment: Has #MeToo Redefined the Status Quo? February the 6th.2019 at 18:00-20. Information relating the updated program: 18:15 – 18.20h: Welcome by the moderator 18.20- 19.00h: Presentations by each speaker (+/- 10 minutes per speaker). We […]
Bewogen is a literature festival in different spaces in Brussels. Spaces that open up to the possibility of recognizing the beauty of words, celebrating languages and messages through theatre, music, film, literature, exhibitions and conversations. Bewogen offers the opportunity to delve into each other through aloud readings of short stories, poems, sayings and […]
Siempre launches its manifesto among intellectuals and activists in Belgium.
* Yanet Medina The nonprofit organization Siempre launched its manifesto this Tuesday, November 13th, in the headquarters of the European Network Against Racism(ENAR), in Brussels, with the participation of prominent figures of the Belgian academic and socio-political landscape. Siempre is devoted to creating connections among Latin American and Caribbean women settled in Europe. It pleads for building […]
Latina´s Women in Belgium launch manifesto calling for an inclusive social participation. By Yanet Medina Navarro* (Brussels, 12 November 2018) The nonprofit organization Siemprewill be launching its manifesto this Tuesday, November 13th, in the Brussels headquarters of the European Network Against Racism(ENAR) as a call for the empowerment and inclusive participation of the female Latina´s […]
Considérations légales par rapport les violences faites aux femmes dans la Belgique
• Définitions importantes : Les violences conjugales sont définies selon l’OMS comme “tout acte de violence au sein d’une relation intime qui cause un préjudice ou des souffrances physiques, psychologiques ou sexuelles aux personnes qui en font partie” (Rapport Mondial sur la violence et la santé, 2002, p.112-115). Toujours selon l’OMS, il s’agit ici d’un […]
REAGRUPAMIENTO FAMILIAR por Gabriela Sepúlveda Practicante de Investigación legal e Integración Social