VII International Congress on Migration & Mental Health

Representations and Migration path of Latin American women in Belgium.By: Ana Valenzuela-Zapata and Thamara CruzSIEMPRE. SIEMPRE is an NGO formed in Belgium (Flemish Region) since May 11th., 2017, founded by two Mexican residents’ women: Thamara Cruz and Ana Valenzuela. The aim of our organization is to make visibility Latinas women from the minorities. This research […]

March 8 and 9, 2020

I’m leaving with the march International women’s day for a decent life without borders

The Feminist Experience in the CDMX

Las del aquelarre feministaPG2.jpg Those of the Collective Feminist Coven Home: February 2016. We are feminists of various disciplines, but all human rights defenders. We were born with the idea of building ideas, making alliances, spreading media topics that cross all women, positioning the feminist agenda that by nature is an agenda of the human […]

Watching and Talking to Marcia Scantlenbury

Brussels 22 June  2019. Women-Migration-Resilience Watching and chatting with Marcia Scantlenbury  journalist and  Director of the Museum of  Toleracia  and Human Rights in Chile. Welcome by Noemi Candelora  Managing  Director of the WS, Roxana Alvarado of the Women’s Collective and Tamara Cruz of ALWAYS Participants: Ursula  Jaramillo (Groen), Cecilia Torres (Ecolo), MaryNagy (Défi) Moderan: Monica  […]

Latina Women Candidates for Regional, Federal elections. Brussels 2019

Latina Women Candidates for the Régional and  Federal Elections. Brussels2019. 9 candidates convened Julia Violeta Erazo – PS Brussels (Peru) Candidate for the Brussels Capital Region list – Ecolo Leticia Sere- Groen Brussels (Uruguay) Regional Groen List Candidate Marie Nagy- Défi  Brussels (Colombia) Regional List Candidate – DéFi Giulina Chirinos Saavedra- Groen  Deurne  (Peru) Candidate […]

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