Protocol for Assistance to Migrant Women

The “Protocol for Assistance to Migrant Women” has been elaborated by the NGO SIEMPRE, to provide support and assistance to all migrant women who find themselves living with violence. This document strives to raise awareness and prevent all forms of gender-based violence, amplifying the voices and experiences of migrant women. We apply an intersectional lens […]

Press Note, Brussels on May 3, 2020

Press Note On May 1, six women from different political parties gathered to discuss Post-Containment, an opportunity to advance the construction of equity for women. Organized by SIEMPRE in collaboration with Le collective de Femmes de Louvain La Neuve and Le Monde According to Women. With a duration of 1hr.37 min we had discussed different […]

Madame Hélène Ryckmans Green Parliamentarian, Senator and Member of the Brabant …

Mrs Hélène Ryckmans Ecological Parliamentarian, Senator and Member of the Walloon Brabant, Joelle Kapompole Member of the PS, Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Saskia Bricmont Euro Member of the Environment, Marie Nagy Member of the Brussels Regional Parliament, Esther Ingabire in the absence of the Minister Minister Bénédicte Linard Vice-President of Women’s Rights and Nevruz Unal, Echevine […]


Dear Candidates: Women migrants from Latin diasporas who currently reside in Belgium, by family reunification, because they are descendants of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation, for exercising a fixed job, temporary employment, studying or as a refugee. a, we want to make the following request spread. Since we are confident of being spokespersons and […]


Making Latin Women Visible News Español French Nederlands English Manifiesto SIEMPRE Ana Valenzuela-Zapata y Thamara Cruz Con la participación de Gabriela Sepúlveda y la revisión de estilo de Yanet Medina En SIEMPRE trabajamos en red para hacernos visibles, a través de nuestra voz como migrantes y portadoras de una diversidad bio estética y cultural.  Reconocemos […]

VII International Congress on Migration & Mental Health

Representations and Migration path of Latin American women in Belgium.By: Ana Valenzuela-Zapata and Thamara CruzSIEMPRE. SIEMPRE is an NGO formed in Belgium (Flemish Region) since May 11th., 2017, founded by two Mexican residents’ women: Thamara Cruz and Ana Valenzuela. The aim of our organization is to make visibility Latinas women from the minorities. This research […]

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